Archangel Metatron: Name Origin


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There are various reasonable etymologies for the name origin of METATRON

However, some scholars, i.e. Philip Alexander, believe if the name Metatron began in Hekhalot-Merkabah books such as 3 Enoch, which may be a magic word like Adiriron and Dapdapiron. This figure aligns with magic arts, as are the angels. The name Metatron may originate from either Mattara; “keeper of the watch”; or the verb Memater, “to guard, to protect.” If so, it is also a variant of the term “watcher”.

In Shimmusha Rabbah, Enoch was attired in light and is the guardian of the souls ascending to heaven.


From Greek meta ‘with, across, or after’ and tron from (elec)tron .

Possible Origin

Metatron might have stemmed from the Old Persian name Mithra. There are a number of parallels between Mithra and Metatron based on their roles in heaven and duties.

Metatron appears to be made up of two Greek words for after and throne, meta thronos, which together mean “one who serves behind the throne” or “one who occupies the throne next to the throne of glory”.

Philip Alexander also proposes this as a reasonable origin of Metatron, stating that the word Metator also occurs in Greek as mitator.

Digging Deeper

I have found that there is a connection here; the angel of the lord Mal’ak (Memitim) have 43 variants. The vowels are replaced;
(Mitator-Metator, temato-tomato)

The name for Archangel Metatron was possibly derived from “the angel of the Lord. Who led the Israelites through the wilderness: acting like a Roman army metator guiding the Israelites on their way.”

Another possible account is of Enoch as a metator showing them; “how they could escape from the wilderness of this world into the promised land of heaven”.

The Line Quoted Most of All

The name Metatron may be related to the sentence from Genesis 5:24; “Enoch walked with God, then he was no more because God took him.” -Note, there are two versions, the other is; “God took him to prevent him going back to his evil ways.”

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